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WARNING: Folks with a history of mental illness, trauma, or panic are urged not to use these techniques without a trained energy therapist. If you decide to do these processes you will agree to absolve the webmaster, his server, and Steve Mensing of any responsibility for the application or misapplication of these processes. Although there are many safety features built into these processes and they have been tested and evaluated, there is always in any process the fraction of possibility that someone could experience some discomfort. So proceed with this warning.


Defining,labeling, and judging our experiences helps create our emotional
and physical sensation responses. When we release our definitions, labels,
and judgments of experience we discover what knowing life directly is.
Knowing firsthand that our notions of good and bad, of attractive and
repulsive are just defining labels, we then begin to understand how our
labels color and shape what we see.
When we directly experience the power of definitions, labels, and judgments
we begin to notice how our challenges in living come from our views of
experience rather than from experience itself. Existance is truly a neutral
event, yet our defining labels are not.

Through labeling and defining our experience, we lose our clear view of our
world and ourselves. Through labeling and unlabeling we begin to cut
through the distorting and obscuring filters of defining labels. In the
moments when defining labels fall away we can gain direct experience and its
attendent freedoms.

Here are 3 labeling exercises. They are "Relabeling", "Peeling Off Labels",
and "Polarity Labeling". These three labeling exercises can be combined with
any of the Emoclear clearers.


A misused label can create emotional distress and a lack of motivation.
Labels can include single words and entire phrases. An example of a
distressing and unmotivating label: "I'm a procrastinator." An example of a
more helpful and motivating label: "I'm a careful pacer." Did you notice
your emotional response to these two labels?

Labels are arbitrary by definition and are often preceeded by the verb "to
be". Examples: Los Angeles is crummy. or Relationships are traps. Most
labels tend to be overgeneralizations excluding many of the subject's
positive, neutral, and negative qualities. When we practice a label often
enough, the mere mention of that label can create an automatic emotional
response. And labels can keep us from viewing the subject's other aspects
and possibilities. We see negative examples of labeling in prejudicial
name-calling and in psychiatric diagnosis. No label catches the full
essence of a human being and often they thwart growth and change because the
labeled believe their label.


I'm a pig. - I'm a food lover.
Pete is an egomaniac. - Pete is self-interested.
Prison is total hell. - Prison is a learning experience.
I'm a failure. - I'm multi-faceted.
Panic attack. - Energy festival.
Panic symptoms. - Energy cues.
Anxiety. - Energized future perspective.
Phobia. - Forgoing excitement.


(1) Indentify the problematic label. Example: Hugo is a bum.
THE PROBLEMATIC LABEL: ________________________________.

(2) Name the positive traits of the event, person, or thing you labeled.
Examples of Hugo's positive traits: Independence, creative, knack for
getting street funding.
POSITIVE TRAITS: __________________________________________.

(3) Choose a new helpful label, based on positive traits, that describe the
event, person, or thing. Example: Hugo is a creative fund raiser.
HELPFUL LABEL: ____________________________________________.

(4) Utilize your helpful labeling wherever you want. Problems are often
easier to solve when they are relabeled. Clearing can often take place when
a target is paired down to size via labeling or delabeling.


*Problems have positive aspects or opportunities for learning.
*Events, people, & things can be viewed as having postive, neutral, and
negative traits.
*Relabeling helps us better accept people, situations, and things.
*Look at a label from a distance--see the larger picture. List the
positives, neutrals, and negatives. Even negatives possess positive
aspects. War creates helpful new technology and famines bring new growing
*Avoid negative adjectives.
*How can your experience expand your consciousness or teach you something
*How can you gain from your experience?
*Could your experience assist others?


"Peeling Off Labels" is a simple exercise to pull the cognitive stuffings
out of emotions, beliefs, and physical sensations. This is achieved by
removing unconscious defining labels from beliefs, feelings, and physical
sensations. Here are the steps:

(1) Relax and do left nasal dominance breathing. Gently pinch your right
nostril shut and breathe deeply, fully, and slowly from your left nostril.

(2) Choose a feeling, belief, or physical sensation. Get a sense of it or
feel it.

(3) Allow any labels you have about your beliefs, feelings, or physical
sensations to come up. Observe them and let them blink out. Keep allowing
any labels to pop up into your consciousness and let them blink out until
you are just experiencing your target without a cognitve overlay or label.

(4) Now call whatever is left: "Energy" or "Consciousness." Let the energy
or consciousness be there and allow them to blink out.


(1) Relax and do left nasal dominance breathing. Gently pinch your right
nostril shut and breathe fully and deeply through your left nostril during
the direction of this exercise.

(2)Focus on your target (belief, feeling, or physical sensation).
Allow any label to pop into awareness. Pay attention to that label for a
few moments and then immediately shift to the opposite of that label.

(3)Shift back and forth between these polar opposites. Go no more than 8
seconds with each side of the polarity before you move to the other side.
Keep shifting back and forth until the two labels blows out. Examples:
Good/bad. Beautiful/ugly. Powerful/weak. Loving/hateful.

Copyright Steve Mensing